Me plus you (I'ma tell you one time) [x3]
When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop
And even though its a struggle love is all we got
Ao we gon' keep keep climbin' till the mountain top
Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart (and now I've got my)
One love
My one heart
My one life for sure
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
You look so deep
You know that it humbles me,
Your by my side and troubles them don't trouble me
Many have called but the chosen Is you
Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you
Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart (and now I've got my)
One love
My one heart
My one life for sure
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
Shawty right there
She's got everything I need
and I'm gon' tell her one time (one time)
Give you everything you need
Down to my last dime
She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side cause
She is the one
One love
My one heart
My one life for sure
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
Me plus you (I'ma tell you one time) [x3]
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
jika bisa biji-biji saja aku di dalam tubuh kau yang cabai
cabai merah lebih api yang darah aku tak mampu capai
lebih merah yang merah lidah aku tidak sanggup gapai
lebih merah dari hati aku yang kepada kau tak sampai
atau merah-nyalakanlah hidup aku yang selalu redup
atau merah-semukanlah malu aku yang tak mau cukup
tancapkanlah lancip ujung kau agar dada aku bisa kuncup
dan luka-luka aku cuma kepada bibir kau akan mengecup
dan kecup juga bibir aku yang tak seberapa tahu mengecap
agar sedikit merah dan kepada nama kau aku fasih mengucap
cuma kau cabai merah, o cabai yang teramat rindu aku lumat
maka merah-pedaskan nasi aku yang hanya punya buah tomat
atau merah-sambalkan nasib celaka aku yang tidak mau tamat
agar utuhlah kisah aku mengalur di kalimat kau hingga kiamat
resource: koran tempo sastra minggu, m.aan mansyur
cabai merah lebih api yang darah aku tak mampu capai
lebih merah yang merah lidah aku tidak sanggup gapai
lebih merah dari hati aku yang kepada kau tak sampai
atau merah-nyalakanlah hidup aku yang selalu redup
atau merah-semukanlah malu aku yang tak mau cukup
tancapkanlah lancip ujung kau agar dada aku bisa kuncup
dan luka-luka aku cuma kepada bibir kau akan mengecup
dan kecup juga bibir aku yang tak seberapa tahu mengecap
agar sedikit merah dan kepada nama kau aku fasih mengucap
cuma kau cabai merah, o cabai yang teramat rindu aku lumat
maka merah-pedaskan nasi aku yang hanya punya buah tomat
atau merah-sambalkan nasib celaka aku yang tidak mau tamat
agar utuhlah kisah aku mengalur di kalimat kau hingga kiamat
resource: koran tempo sastra minggu, m.aan mansyur
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009
sejarah halloween
Halloween atau Hallowe’en adalah tradisi perayaan malam tanggal 31 Oktober, dan terutama dirayakan di Amerika Serikat. Tradisi ini berasal dari Irlandia, dan dibawa oleh orang Irlandia yang beremigrasi ke Amerika Utara. Halloween dirayakan anak-anak dengan memakai kostum seram, dan berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga meminta permen atau cokelat sambil berkata "Trick or treat!" Ucapan tersebut adalah semacam "ancaman" yang berarti "Beri kami (permen) atau kami jahili." Di zaman sekarang, anak-anak biasanya tidak lagi menjahili rumah orang yang tidak memberi apa-apa. Sebagian anak-anak masih menjahili rumah orang yang pelit dengan cara menghiasi pohon di depan rumah mereka dengan tisu toilet atau menulisi jendela dengan sabun.
Halloween identik dengan setan, penyihir, hantu goblin dan makhluk-makhluk menyeramkan dari kebudayaan Barat. Halloween disambut dengan menghias rumah dan pusat perbelanjaan dengan simbol-simbol Halloween.
Halloween berasal dari festival Samhain (dari bahasa Irlandia Kuno samain) yang dirayakan orang Kelt zaman kuno.[1] Festival Samhain merupakan perayaan akhir musim panen dalam kebudayaan orang Gael, dan kadang-kadang[2] disebut "Tahun Baru Kelt".[3] Orang Kelt yang menganut paganisme secara turun temurun menggunakan kesempatan festival untuk menyembelih hewan ternak dan menimbun makanan untuk persiapan musim dingin. Bangsa Gael kuno percaya bahwa tanggal 31 Oktober, pembatas dunia orang mati dan dunia orang hidup menjadi terbuka. Orang mati membahayakan orang hidup dengan membawa penyakit dan merusak hasil panen. Sewaktu merayakan festival, orang Gael menyalakan api unggun untuk membakar tulang-tulang dari hewan yang mereka sembelih. Orang Gael mengenakan kostum dan topeng untuk berpura-pura sebagai arwah jahat atau berusaha berdamai dengan mereka.
Halloween merupakan kependekan dari All Hallows' Even (eve dan even sama-sama berarti petang/malam) yang berarti malam sebelum hari raya All Hallow yang sekarang disebut Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus (All Saints Holy Day). Huruf "n" di akhir kata Halloween berasal dari kata even.[6]. Pada zaman dulu, tanggal 1 November dipakai sebagai hari festival keagaamaan di berbagai tradisi paganisme Eropa[3] hingga Paus Gregorius III dan Paus Gregorius IV memindahkan perayaan All Saints' Day menurut kalender santo dari tanggal 13 Mei ke tanggal 1 November. Tanggal 13 Mei dulunya dirayakan sebagai hari raya paganisme untuk festival Lemuria.
Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus ditentukan misionaris Kristen bertepatan dengan hari raya pagan dengan alasan ingin orang pagan mempercayai agama Kristen. Hari Para Arwah (Day of the Dead) yang merayakan kedatangan arwah sanak keluarga dan kerabat kembali ke bumi sampai sekarang masih diperingati di beberapa negara seperti di Brazil, Meksiko, dan Filipina.
Simbol Halloween
Simbol Halloween yang dimengerti secara universal adalah labu yang diukir membentuk wajah "menyeramkan" yang disebut Jack-o'-lantern. Di dalam Jack-o'-lantern biasanya diletakkan lilin menyala atau lampu agar terlihat lebih seram di tempat gelap.
Di Amerika Serikat, lentera Jack-o'-lantern sering diletakkan di depan pintu masuk rumah sesudah hari mulai gelap. Tradisi mengukir Jack-o'-lantern berasal dari Amerika Utara yang banyak menghasilkan labu berukuran besar.
Simbol-simbol perayaan Halloween menggambarkan keadaan alam di musim gugur, termasuk labu hasil panen dan orang-orangan sawah sebagai penjaga hasil panen. Selain itu, simbol-simbol Halloween juga dekat dengan kematian, keajaiban, monster, dan karakter menyeramkan hasil rekaan pembuat film Amerika dan perancang grafis. Karakter-karakter yang sering dikaitkan dengan Halloween adalah setan dan iblis dari kebudayaan Barat, manusia labu, makhluk angkasa luar, penyihir, kelelawar, burung hantu, burung gagak, burung bangkai, rumah hantu, kucing hitam, laba-laba, goblin, zombie, mumi, tengkorak, dan manusia serigala. Karakter film horor klasik seperti drakula atau monster Frankenstein juga dipakai untuk perayaan Halloween. Hitam dan oranye dianggap sebagai warna tradisional Halloween, walaupun sekarang banyak juga barang-barang Halloween berwarna ungu, hijau dan merah.
Di belahan bumi beriklim sejuk, perayaan Halloween berlangsung di musim apel. Salah satu makanan Halloween adalah apel karamel (apel yang dicelup ke dalam cairan gula). Hidangan lain yang lekat dengan tradisi Halloween adalah pai labu, sari buah apel (minuman cider), candy corn, bonfire toffee, candy apple, dan permen yang dibungkus dengan warna-warni Halloween (oranye, coklat, atau hitam).
[sunting] Perayaan di Amerika Serikat
Bagi anak-anak di Amerika, Halloween berarti kesempatan memakai kostum Halloween dan mendapatkan permen, sedangkan bagi orang dewasa adalah kesempatan berpesta kostum. Bagi pedagang eceran di Amerika, Halloween berada di urutan kedua di bawah hari Natal sebagai perayaan yang paling yang menguntungkan.[7].
Sejarah topeng dan kostum Halloween sebelum tahun 1900 di Amerika atau di tempat lain masih sedikit yang diketahui karena keterbatasan sumber primer.[8] Kostum Halloween yang diproduksi massal belum terlihat di toko-toko hingga tahun 1950-an, walaupun topeng Halloween sudah ada lebih dulu.
Di tahun 2005, asosiasi produsen permen Amerika melaporkan 80% orang dewasa berencana membagi-bagikan permen kepada anak-anak yang datang,[9], sedangkan 93% anak-anak ingin berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga di malam Halloween.[10]
Kota Anoka di negara bagian Minnesota mengklaim diri sebagai "ibu kota Halloween" dan merayakannya dengan pawai besar-besaran. Kota Salem di Massachusetts yang terkenal dengan legenda tukang sihir dari Salem biasanya didatangi lebih banyak wisatawan menjelang perayaan Halloween.
Kota New York mengadakan pawai perayaan Halloween terbesar di Amerika Serikat yang disebut The Village Halloween Parade. Pawai yang dirintis pembuat topeng di Greenwich Village New York sekarang menarik perhatian 50 ribu peserta berkostum dan ditonton oleh 4 juta pemirsa televisi.[11]
resource: Wikipedia
Halloween identik dengan setan, penyihir, hantu goblin dan makhluk-makhluk menyeramkan dari kebudayaan Barat. Halloween disambut dengan menghias rumah dan pusat perbelanjaan dengan simbol-simbol Halloween.
Halloween berasal dari festival Samhain (dari bahasa Irlandia Kuno samain) yang dirayakan orang Kelt zaman kuno.[1] Festival Samhain merupakan perayaan akhir musim panen dalam kebudayaan orang Gael, dan kadang-kadang[2] disebut "Tahun Baru Kelt".[3] Orang Kelt yang menganut paganisme secara turun temurun menggunakan kesempatan festival untuk menyembelih hewan ternak dan menimbun makanan untuk persiapan musim dingin. Bangsa Gael kuno percaya bahwa tanggal 31 Oktober, pembatas dunia orang mati dan dunia orang hidup menjadi terbuka. Orang mati membahayakan orang hidup dengan membawa penyakit dan merusak hasil panen. Sewaktu merayakan festival, orang Gael menyalakan api unggun untuk membakar tulang-tulang dari hewan yang mereka sembelih. Orang Gael mengenakan kostum dan topeng untuk berpura-pura sebagai arwah jahat atau berusaha berdamai dengan mereka.
Halloween merupakan kependekan dari All Hallows' Even (eve dan even sama-sama berarti petang/malam) yang berarti malam sebelum hari raya All Hallow yang sekarang disebut Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus (All Saints Holy Day). Huruf "n" di akhir kata Halloween berasal dari kata even.[6]. Pada zaman dulu, tanggal 1 November dipakai sebagai hari festival keagaamaan di berbagai tradisi paganisme Eropa[3] hingga Paus Gregorius III dan Paus Gregorius IV memindahkan perayaan All Saints' Day menurut kalender santo dari tanggal 13 Mei ke tanggal 1 November. Tanggal 13 Mei dulunya dirayakan sebagai hari raya paganisme untuk festival Lemuria.
Hari Raya Semua Orang Kudus ditentukan misionaris Kristen bertepatan dengan hari raya pagan dengan alasan ingin orang pagan mempercayai agama Kristen. Hari Para Arwah (Day of the Dead) yang merayakan kedatangan arwah sanak keluarga dan kerabat kembali ke bumi sampai sekarang masih diperingati di beberapa negara seperti di Brazil, Meksiko, dan Filipina.
Simbol Halloween
Simbol Halloween yang dimengerti secara universal adalah labu yang diukir membentuk wajah "menyeramkan" yang disebut Jack-o'-lantern. Di dalam Jack-o'-lantern biasanya diletakkan lilin menyala atau lampu agar terlihat lebih seram di tempat gelap.
Di Amerika Serikat, lentera Jack-o'-lantern sering diletakkan di depan pintu masuk rumah sesudah hari mulai gelap. Tradisi mengukir Jack-o'-lantern berasal dari Amerika Utara yang banyak menghasilkan labu berukuran besar.
Simbol-simbol perayaan Halloween menggambarkan keadaan alam di musim gugur, termasuk labu hasil panen dan orang-orangan sawah sebagai penjaga hasil panen. Selain itu, simbol-simbol Halloween juga dekat dengan kematian, keajaiban, monster, dan karakter menyeramkan hasil rekaan pembuat film Amerika dan perancang grafis. Karakter-karakter yang sering dikaitkan dengan Halloween adalah setan dan iblis dari kebudayaan Barat, manusia labu, makhluk angkasa luar, penyihir, kelelawar, burung hantu, burung gagak, burung bangkai, rumah hantu, kucing hitam, laba-laba, goblin, zombie, mumi, tengkorak, dan manusia serigala. Karakter film horor klasik seperti drakula atau monster Frankenstein juga dipakai untuk perayaan Halloween. Hitam dan oranye dianggap sebagai warna tradisional Halloween, walaupun sekarang banyak juga barang-barang Halloween berwarna ungu, hijau dan merah.
Di belahan bumi beriklim sejuk, perayaan Halloween berlangsung di musim apel. Salah satu makanan Halloween adalah apel karamel (apel yang dicelup ke dalam cairan gula). Hidangan lain yang lekat dengan tradisi Halloween adalah pai labu, sari buah apel (minuman cider), candy corn, bonfire toffee, candy apple, dan permen yang dibungkus dengan warna-warni Halloween (oranye, coklat, atau hitam).
[sunting] Perayaan di Amerika Serikat
Bagi anak-anak di Amerika, Halloween berarti kesempatan memakai kostum Halloween dan mendapatkan permen, sedangkan bagi orang dewasa adalah kesempatan berpesta kostum. Bagi pedagang eceran di Amerika, Halloween berada di urutan kedua di bawah hari Natal sebagai perayaan yang paling yang menguntungkan.[7].
Sejarah topeng dan kostum Halloween sebelum tahun 1900 di Amerika atau di tempat lain masih sedikit yang diketahui karena keterbatasan sumber primer.[8] Kostum Halloween yang diproduksi massal belum terlihat di toko-toko hingga tahun 1950-an, walaupun topeng Halloween sudah ada lebih dulu.
Di tahun 2005, asosiasi produsen permen Amerika melaporkan 80% orang dewasa berencana membagi-bagikan permen kepada anak-anak yang datang,[9], sedangkan 93% anak-anak ingin berkeliling dari pintu ke pintu rumah tetangga di malam Halloween.[10]
Kota Anoka di negara bagian Minnesota mengklaim diri sebagai "ibu kota Halloween" dan merayakannya dengan pawai besar-besaran. Kota Salem di Massachusetts yang terkenal dengan legenda tukang sihir dari Salem biasanya didatangi lebih banyak wisatawan menjelang perayaan Halloween.
Kota New York mengadakan pawai perayaan Halloween terbesar di Amerika Serikat yang disebut The Village Halloween Parade. Pawai yang dirintis pembuat topeng di Greenwich Village New York sekarang menarik perhatian 50 ribu peserta berkostum dan ditonton oleh 4 juta pemirsa televisi.[11]
resource: Wikipedia
Did you forget
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me
Did you regret
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget
What we were feeling inside
Now I'm left to forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don't forget
Don't forget
We had it all
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won't forget
I won't forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
At all
And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
I won't forget us
But somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along
You've forgotten
About us
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me
Did you regret
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget
What we were feeling inside
Now I'm left to forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don't forget
Don't forget
We had it all
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won't forget
I won't forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
At all
And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
I won't forget us
But somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along
You've forgotten
About us
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, that's her...
Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009
buat lo nih semoga nyadar dan menjauh dari gue
buat lo nih semoga nyadar dan menjauh dari gue
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
masa tadi gue kepeleset teman teman ahahaha
jadi kronologi ceritanya seperti ini:
gue lagi jalan ke kelas dan ada anes teru gue manggil kan aneeess ah malah kepeleset dan jatuhnya tuh tiduran gitu ahahaha. parah banget. malu gue. tapi gue gabisa berenti ngakak/
terus pulang sekolah horehore masa ada pimpimpim ahaha. terus dia pimpimpim. terus pimpimpim ahaha. terus pimpimpim terus gue sempet foto dia sih tapi pimpimpim...
ahaha gajelas banget sih aly
jadi kronologi ceritanya seperti ini:
gue lagi jalan ke kelas dan ada anes teru gue manggil kan aneeess ah malah kepeleset dan jatuhnya tuh tiduran gitu ahahaha. parah banget. malu gue. tapi gue gabisa berenti ngakak/
terus pulang sekolah horehore masa ada pimpimpim ahaha. terus dia pimpimpim. terus pimpimpim ahaha. terus pimpimpim terus gue sempet foto dia sih tapi pimpimpim...
ahaha gajelas banget sih aly
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Can't get you out of my mind, i think about your eyes all the time... Suddenly i forgot how to speak, hopeless breathless baby can't you see?
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around. You make me crazier. Feels like i'm falling and i'm lost in your eyes. You make me crazier.
His eyes are like jungle, his smile's like the radio. He whispers songs into my window in words nobody know.
Ooh baby did i ever tell you i'm really falling for you...
I really like you like you...
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around. You make me crazier. Feels like i'm falling and i'm lost in your eyes. You make me crazier.
His eyes are like jungle, his smile's like the radio. He whispers songs into my window in words nobody know.
Ooh baby did i ever tell you i'm really falling for you...
I really like you like you...
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
There came a day when the songs that you play
Are blasting through the speakers in your car
It comes in a flash and you hear the crowd
Screaming out your name for the encore
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
You know you'll be on the road
Selling out the tickets to your show
Where you're from you're still the one
You were before you left to go on tour
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Did you ever think your dreams would become a reality?
And all you did was just believe
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Are blasting through the speakers in your car
It comes in a flash and you hear the crowd
Screaming out your name for the encore
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
You know you'll be on the road
Selling out the tickets to your show
Where you're from you're still the one
You were before you left to go on tour
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Did you ever think your dreams would become a reality?
And all you did was just believe
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Living life
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who's to say
That we won't keep it real
Hold on tight
Don't you dare let go
Now's the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
video clip baru nya jonas brothers! yay, haha keluarnya udah lama sih 6 september, tapi yaudahlah gapapa baru di post sekarang....
Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009
songs about you
ahaha, semoga dia baca. (ya nggak mungkin lah)
Smooth talkin'
So rockin'
A-he's got everything
That a girl's wantin'
Guitar cutie
He plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself
From doing somethin' stupid
Think I'm really falling for his smile
Get butterflies when he says my name
He's got something special
He's got something special
And when he's looking at me
I wanna get it all sentimental
He's got something special
He's got something special
I can hardly breathe
Something's telling me
Telling me maybe
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He's lightnin'
Sparks are flyin'
Everywhere I go
He's always on my mind and
I'm going crazy
About him lately
And I can't help myself
From how my heart is racin'
Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe
He really blows me away
[Repeat Chorus:]
And he's got a way
Of making me feel
Like everything I do is
Perfectly fine
The stars are aligned
When I'm with him
And I'm so into him
He's got something special
He's got something special
And when he's looking at me
I wanna get all sentimental
He's got something special
He's got something special
I can hardly breathe
Something's telling me
Telling me maybe
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
I Heard a song tonight on the radio
Another girl sings about a boy
Just sees his face in every space
Every room
And i know, yeah
If I turn around you won't be there
If I close my eyes will you be there?
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
I've gotta picture of you in my bedroom
And i hope it never falls
I hope I never lose that feelin'
I used to get when you called
And I wonder to myself
Who were you?
Where are you?
Were you ever here at all?
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
That girl in the song had it so good
I wish I could close my eyes and see you
I wish the sky had your face
And the oceans had your eyes
And the sun could have your lips
And I had you
Oh oh yeah
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
Oh no no
I don't wanna lose your face
And I dont wanna turn around
Oh oh oh
oh oh
oh oh
oh oh yeah
How did I get here
I turned around and there you were
Didn´t think twice or rationalize
Cause somehow I knew
That there was more that just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it´s too good to be true
I said pinch me, where´s the catch this time
Can´t find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get use to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it
Oooh Ohhhh Ooh Ohhh Ooooh
You´re one in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' i thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
(of the one)
You´re making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Sayin' that I´m your diamond in the rough
When i´m mad at you, you pull out your velvet gloves
I feel drunk but I am sober
And I´m smiling all over
Every time i see that sparkle in your eyes
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it Oh Oooh Ohhhhhhhhhhh
You´re one in a million
One in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' I thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
(Of the one)
I feel drunk but I am sober
And I´m smiling all over
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes
Ohh Ohh
They say that good things take time
Oh Ooh Ohhhhh
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it
Oh Oooh Ohhhhhhhhhhh
You´re one in a million
One in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' I thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
You're one in a million
Smooth talkin'
So rockin'
A-he's got everything
That a girl's wantin'
Guitar cutie
He plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself
From doing somethin' stupid
Think I'm really falling for his smile
Get butterflies when he says my name
He's got something special
He's got something special
And when he's looking at me
I wanna get it all sentimental
He's got something special
He's got something special
I can hardly breathe
Something's telling me
Telling me maybe
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He's lightnin'
Sparks are flyin'
Everywhere I go
He's always on my mind and
I'm going crazy
About him lately
And I can't help myself
From how my heart is racin'
Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe
He really blows me away
[Repeat Chorus:]
And he's got a way
Of making me feel
Like everything I do is
Perfectly fine
The stars are aligned
When I'm with him
And I'm so into him
He's got something special
He's got something special
And when he's looking at me
I wanna get all sentimental
He's got something special
He's got something special
I can hardly breathe
Something's telling me
Telling me maybe
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
He could be the one
I Heard a song tonight on the radio
Another girl sings about a boy
Just sees his face in every space
Every room
And i know, yeah
If I turn around you won't be there
If I close my eyes will you be there?
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
I've gotta picture of you in my bedroom
And i hope it never falls
I hope I never lose that feelin'
I used to get when you called
And I wonder to myself
Who were you?
Where are you?
Were you ever here at all?
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
That girl in the song had it so good
I wish I could close my eyes and see you
I wish the sky had your face
And the oceans had your eyes
And the sun could have your lips
And I had you
Oh oh yeah
I don't wanna lose your face
I dont wanna wake up one day
And not remember what time erased
I dont wanna turn around
'Cause Im not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I dont wanna lose your face
Oh no no
I don't wanna lose your face
And I dont wanna turn around
Oh oh oh
oh oh
oh oh
oh oh yeah
How did I get here
I turned around and there you were
Didn´t think twice or rationalize
Cause somehow I knew
That there was more that just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it´s too good to be true
I said pinch me, where´s the catch this time
Can´t find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get use to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it
Oooh Ohhhh Ooh Ohhh Ooooh
You´re one in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' i thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
(of the one)
You´re making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Sayin' that I´m your diamond in the rough
When i´m mad at you, you pull out your velvet gloves
I feel drunk but I am sober
And I´m smiling all over
Every time i see that sparkle in your eyes
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it Oh Oooh Ohhhhhhhhhhh
You´re one in a million
One in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' I thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
(Of the one)
I feel drunk but I am sober
And I´m smiling all over
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes
Ohh Ohh
They say that good things take time
Oh Ooh Ohhhhh
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
Can´t believe it
Oh Oooh Ohhhhhhhhhhh
You´re one in a million
One in a million
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that weren´t good enough
Til' I thought I´m through
Said I´m done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one
You're one in a million
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
Senin, 05 Oktober 2009
Mom stealer
sial nyebelin ah, masa mama gua diambil ama anak aneh. Manggilnya bunda segala lagi, alah sok asik lu. Udah gitu mama gua pake bilang kangen segala lah ama dia, dia gapernah tuh bilang kangen ama gue. Argh. Yay gue hack ah fb nya si MOM STEALER.
sial nyebelin ah, masa mama gua diambil ama anak aneh. Manggilnya bunda segala lagi, alah sok asik lu. Udah gitu mama gua pake bilang kangen segala lah ama dia, dia gapernah tuh bilang kangen ama gue. Argh. Yay gue hack ah fb nya si MOM STEALER.
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
Contoh bagaimana anak 'maleskesekolahtapitakutkesiangan' bangun tidur
Wakakakakak, post nya masih fresh from the oven nih soalnya baru kejadian 15 menit yg lalu...
gue tidur jam 11 malem setelah baca sepenggal kisah edward cullen. Cie.
gue bangun tidur karena suara dari hp gue. Gue langsung keluar kamar dan mendapati ada mama sama papa gue lagi nonton mr.bean holiday.
Mama gue nanya: kok udh bangun emang gabisa tidur? Gue: bisa kok org ini udh jam lima sambil ngeliat jam mama: hah? Gue: yaudah ali mo nyetrika ah mama: itu bajunya di belakang. Gue: udah ali ambil.
Yaudah gue masuk kembali ke kamar dan nyetrika. Baju sama rok. Trus gue nyetrika dgn malas. Oiya trus pas lagi nyetrika rok gue bilang gini 'mandi ah'. Tapi kok kayaknya diluar dingin bgt. Trs gue nyadar gue blm matiin alarm. Pas gue matiin alarm ternyata di jam tertulis 00.31, loh! Pantesan, kok jam 5 pagi gelap amat, trus mama sama papa gue iseng bgt jam 5 pagi nonton mr.bean holiday, taunya PAS GUE KELUAR NGELIAT JAM ITU SEBENERNYA BUKAN JAM 5 TAPI JAM 00.25 oh oonnya. Tapi emang mirip kok buat orang ngantuk. Ya ngebela diri. Tapi kok gue oon banget ya ngigo lama bgt.
gue tidur jam 11 malem setelah baca sepenggal kisah edward cullen. Cie.
gue bangun tidur karena suara dari hp gue. Gue langsung keluar kamar dan mendapati ada mama sama papa gue lagi nonton mr.bean holiday.
Mama gue nanya: kok udh bangun emang gabisa tidur? Gue: bisa kok org ini udh jam lima sambil ngeliat jam mama: hah? Gue: yaudah ali mo nyetrika ah mama: itu bajunya di belakang. Gue: udah ali ambil.
Yaudah gue masuk kembali ke kamar dan nyetrika. Baju sama rok. Trus gue nyetrika dgn malas. Oiya trus pas lagi nyetrika rok gue bilang gini 'mandi ah'. Tapi kok kayaknya diluar dingin bgt. Trs gue nyadar gue blm matiin alarm. Pas gue matiin alarm ternyata di jam tertulis 00.31, loh! Pantesan, kok jam 5 pagi gelap amat, trus mama sama papa gue iseng bgt jam 5 pagi nonton mr.bean holiday, taunya PAS GUE KELUAR NGELIAT JAM ITU SEBENERNYA BUKAN JAM 5 TAPI JAM 00.25 oh oonnya. Tapi emang mirip kok buat orang ngantuk. Ya ngebela diri. Tapi kok gue oon banget ya ngigo lama bgt.
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